What is the product range of Famapak ?
You can see an analysis of our products in our web page. In case you are interested in a product which is not displayed in our web page, rest assure we can find it and offer it.
Where does Famapak deliver its products?
We deliver our products all over Cyprus. Please contact our sales team in case you need to know when we are visiting your city.
Does Famapak provide any product certificates?
Famapak can provide any requested ISO CERTIFICATE or MIGRATION ANALYSIS your associates and customers may require. We always make sure we are up to date with all the latest European requirements for standardization and quality assurance.
Can Famapak offer technical support?
Our engineers and technicians can offer electrical and mechanical support on all of the equipment we provide. Famapak’s team can also commission all automatic solutions we propose.
What is the delivery time of Famapak consumables?
We can deliver consumables orders in 48 hours provided that they are in our stock. Special orders depend on suppliers production schedules.